Adventure seekers. Path forgers. Security integrators. That’s not a likely combination, but it is at Northland. In a world obsessed with safety, we pursue security holistically with our eyes ever-forward, seeking what’s beyond the horizon so that companies can proactively meet their duty of care and take the risks that make sense for them.

Forging the
path since 1982.
Forging the
path since 1982.
Forging the
path since 1982.
Born in the heart of high-tech, we are natural-born innovators, forward-thinkers, and challenge seekers. Originally founded in 1982 and reborn under our current leader Pierre Trapanese in 2005, Northland forged its own path to success, shirking the “successful way” for what we believe is the right way.
90+ Countries
We've delivered projects in more than 90 countries
15 Offices
Strategically located
7 Northland Challenges
Expanding our minds and building our resilience
1 Bear
One consistent Northland experience, no matter where in the world