American Spirit Day 2 – Cottonwood Trail
Oct 06, 2016
October 2, 2016 | 8 miles on horseback | 250 miles driving
We all slept well last night with a filling dinner of Navajo tacos in our bellies, and wake up to a hearty cowboy breakfast. We have a 2 hour ride out of the canyon ahead of us. Some of the boys
have taken to this life already, and were wishing it wouldn’t end so soon. Gavin, Josh, Andy, Leo and Akram make the most of it. Galloping along the canyon floor like the Wild Bunch.
However, some of us are happy to finally get off the horses, massaging our sore rear ends. We find our Jeeps, and saddle up a different mode of transportation. We have a long drive ahead of us as we head to Bryce Canyon in Utah.
We even get Caroline to drive on one of the back roads through Cottonwood Canyon Road. Bill cringes a bit, but survives the ordeal.
Leo, my partner, takes to the back roads like a bandit. I later heard most folks loved taking the Jeeps Cottonwood Canyon Road. Not only was its beautiful landscape on display, but it provided for a slightly more controlled drive than our horses from earlier in the morning.